Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

Do not Ignore Foot Health! Although often Closed, Fixed Should Treated

Shawl Promotion - The skin of the face, neck, and hands are some parts of the body that is often overlooked health because it is easily exposed. But do not forget also the skin of the foot. 

Feet almost all day covered by shoes or sandals so maybe only a few people are paying attention. Whereas a skin condition that can be very extreme leg between too moist or even vice versa, dry. 

Various health problems can arise if someone let the foot shape as said by Dr. Sari Chairunnisa, SpKK, of Bamed Skin Care. If it is too moist feet vulnerable moldy and when it is too dry feet can be cracked. 

"Cleaned. There are some people whose feet tend to dry so you should use a moisturizer on foot after a shower," said Dr. Sari when contacted detikHealth and was written on Wednesday (08/26/2015). 

Legs should be cleaned twice a day after showering and always kept moisture. But remember do not let the foot too humid with occasional remove footwear when you are on the move. 

Dermatologist Dr. Laksmi Duarsa, SpKK, of D & I Skin Center Bali add foot humid conditions a favorite of developing the disease-causing fungus Candida water fleas. 

"Legs quite often cleaned continues to maintain dryness. Can love fragrance oils it should be done but essentially keep dry feet away. Out of washing the feet directly drained," said Dr. Lakshmi. 

Well readers detikHealth, the typical time of this review we will discuss about the health of skin of the foot. For the curious continue to pay attention to the following articles ya!

Rabu, 12 Agustus 2015

Laris Hemorrhoid Medication During Lebaran

SHAWL PROMOTION - Sales of drugs without a prescription in pharmacies are likely to increase in the days of Eid. One of these hemorrhoid medicine, which is believed to be related to diet completely comfortable in this special day.

"Lately hemorrhoid medications also in demand," said Henry, a pharmacist in Yogyakarta when contacted detikHealth, Saturday (18/07/2015).

Henry did not know the exact cause, but he believes it is related to diet. During Eid, the food menu is dominated by food bersantan, fleshy, and tend to be less fiber. CHAPTER (defecation) so it is not smooth, thus triggering alias hemorrhoid recurrence of hemorrhoids.

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In general, fruit and vegetable consumption in Indonesia is very low tecatat. Agency for Health Research and Development (Balitbangkes) noted, the intake of vegetables and fruit in Indonesia is only 91 grams / day, only half of consumer spending in Thailand and the Philippines.

Even compared to Singapore, fruit and vegetable consumption in Indonesia is only one-fifth. For adequate intake of fiber and vitamins, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the consumption of vegetables and fruit at least 5 servings a day.

"Expand eat fruits and vegetables! In addition to offset so as not to eat too much fat, it is generally the consumption of fruit and vegetables we still low," Chief message Balitbangkes, Prof. Tjandra Yoga Aditama, SpP (K).

In addition to hemorrhoid medicine, some other types of drugs also sells on the day of Eid. Among these hypertensive drug, cholesterol, gastric acid drugs, drug dizziness and headache, and flu medicine. Fatigue and unhealthy eating patterns in the day of Eid is likely to trigger a relapse of chronic disease.